$(document).ready(function () { setTimeout(countdown_start, 2000) $('.menu_ico').click(function(){ $('.hideMenu').toggle(); }); $('.magaz').click(function(){ $('#modalMogaz').show(); $('#hideBg').show(); }); $('.dost').click(function(){ $('#modalDost').show(); $('#hideBg').show(); }); $('.gor').click(function(){ $('#modalGor').show(); $('#hideBg').show(); }); $('.faq').click(function(){ $('#modalFaq').show(); $('#hideBg').show(); }); $('.prem').click(function(){ $('#modalPrem').show(); $('#hideBg').show(); }); $('#close, .backBottom, #hideBg').click(function(){ $('#modalMogaz, #modalDost, #modalGor, #hideBg, #modalFaq, #modalPrem').hide(); }); $('#footer .pol').click(function(){ $('#modal_window1').animate({opacity: 'show'}, 300); }); $('#modal_window1').click(function(){ $('#modal_window1').animate({opacity: 'hide'}, 300); }); }); function countdown_start(){ var note = $('#note'), ts = new Date(apishopsActionDate('date')), newYear = true; if((new Date()) > ts){ // The new year is here! Count towards something else. // Notice the *1000 at the end - time must be in milliseconds ts = (new Date()).getTime() + 10*24*60*60*1000; newYear = false; } $.each($('.countdown'), function( index, obj ) { $(obj).countdown({ timestamp : ts, callback : function(days, hours, minutes, seconds){ var message = ""; message += days + " day" + ( days==1 ? '':'s' ) + ", "; message += hours + " hour" + ( hours==1 ? '':'s' ) + ", "; message += minutes + " minute" + ( minutes==1 ? '':'s' ) + " and "; message += seconds + " second" + ( seconds==1 ? '':'s' ) + "
"; if(newYear){ message += "left until the new year!"; } else { message += "left to 10 days from now!"; } note.html(message); } }); }); $('.countDays').append('


'); $('.countHours').append('


'); $('.countMinutes').append('


'); $('.countSeconds').append('


'); } function apishopsActionDate(type) { var currentTimestamp=new Date().getTime() if(typeof apishopsActionGetCookie('apishopsActionDate') == 'undefined' || currentTimestamp > parseInt(apishopsActionGetCookie('apishopsActionDate'))){ endTimestamp=currentTimestamp + (1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); apishopsActionSetCookie('apishopsActionDate', endTimestamp); }else{ endTimestamp=parseInt(apishopsActionGetCookie('apishopsActionDate')) } if(type=='timestamp') return endTimestamp; else if(type=='circularEnd'){ date=new Date(endTimestamp); y=date.getFullYear(); d=date.getDate(); m=date.getMonth()+1; h=date.getHours()+1; mn=date.getMinutes(); return y+","+m+","+d+","+h+","+mn+",0"; //'2016,-6,-4,16,19,10', //year,month,day,hour,minute,second } else if(type=='circularBegin'){ date=new Date(); y=date.getFullYear(); d=date.getDate(); m=date.getMonth()+1; h=date.getHours()+1; mn=date.getMinutes(); return y+","+m+","+d+","+h+","+mn+",0"; //'2016,-6,-4,16,19,10', //year,month,day,hour,minute,second } else return new Date(endTimestamp); } function apishopsActionGetCookie(name) { var matches = document.cookie.match(new RegExp( "(?:^|; )" + name.replace(/([\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\/\+^])/g, '\$1') + "=([^;]*)" )); return matches ? decodeURIComponent(matches[1]) : undefined; } function apishopsActionSetCookie(name, value, options) { options = options || {}; var expires = options.expires; if (typeof expires == "number" && expires) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + expires*1000); expires = options.expires = d; } if (expires && expires.toUTCString) { options.expires = expires.toUTCString(); } value = encodeURIComponent(value); var updatedCookie = name + "=" + value; for(var propName in options) { updatedCookie += "; " + propName; var propValue = options[propName]; if (propValue !== true) { updatedCookie += "=" + propValue; } } document.cookie = updatedCookie; return value; }